This is the section for the Ignatian Leadership Programme module 3 sessions that was held at the Domus Santa Severa (Rome) from the 4th to the 10th of December 2016. In this section you will find the documents that were presented in those sessions and you will have the chance to ask questions on the forum.

This is the section for the Ignatian Leadership Programme module 2 sessions held in Kardinal König Haus (Vienna) from the 3rd to the 8th of July. In this section you will find the documents that were presented in those sessions and you will have the chance to ask questions on the forum

This is the section for the Ignatian Leadership Programme module 1 sessions held in Manresa from the 6th of December to the 11th of December 2015. In this section you will find the documents that were presented in those sessions and you will have the chance to ask questions on the forum.

In this section you will find documents, articles, videos, quotes, and general information about leadership that can be useful to improve and compliment your leadership knowledge, attitudes and skills during the course of the programme (and afterwards!).

3-Day Workshop on Leadership and Discernment in Northern India for Provincials